Sending chi to the brain
Earlier you told us not to send chi to the heart and brain, but just now we practiced sending chi to the brain. Can we send chi to the brain? And what should one do if he has some heart problems?
-- Marc, Switzerland
The main reason why I advise students against sending chi to the heart and brain is not that it is wrong to do so, but as a precaution against doing it wrongly. In other words it a practitioner can correctly send chi to his heart or brain, it is beneficial to him. But if he does it wrongly it can be very harmful.
Of course, doing any thing wrongly is harmful. But sending chi wrongly to the heart or the brain is particularly harmful as the heart and the brain are delicate organs. Sending chi wrongly to the hands or the legs, for example, is also harmful, but obviously not as harmful as sending chi wrongly to the heart or the brain.
Even when he can do so correctly, it is still not advisable to take the risk because there are other ways to send chi to the heart or the brain indirectly. He can, for example, send chi to his back and let chi naturally flow to his heart, or he can send chi to his head generally, and let chi naturally flow to his brain. If his heart or his brain needs chi urgently, it will naturally flow there from his back or his head. In fact, even when he does not think of his back or his head generally, chi will flow to his heart or his brain if these organs need chi urgently. It is a natural characteristic of chi to flow to where it is needed most.
Then, why did we practice sending chi to the brain just now in the Bone Marrow Cleansing course. It was because this was exactly what this course was about. In other words, the purpose of Bone Marrow Cleansing at the highest level, i.e. the bone marrow level, was to direct chi to the bone marrow, which in classical Chinese terms also referred to the brain.
Would it be dangerous? Yes, it would be very dangerous if students tried to do it on their own, or by learning from books. No, it would not be dangerous if practiced systematically and methodologically under the supervision of a master. If something went wrong, like if a student did it wrongly, I would know and be able to rectify the mistake.
So, can we send chi to the brain? Yes, if we know how to do so safely and have remedial exercise if we accidentally make a mistake, but no if we do not know how to do so safely and have no remedial exercise.
What should one do if he has some heart problem? In this specific context, he should send chi to his back. Chi will naturally flow to his heart to help overcome the problem.
In a general context, he should consult a skillful chi kung healer or chi kung master. He should not attempt to heal himself by learning from books or videos.