Developing internal force using Triple Stretch
You took a few years, or at least many months, to develop internal force. You told us that when you learned Triple Stretch, it was only at a physical level. Now we can develop so much force in just a few days. How is this possible?
— Jim, Germany
This is indeed unbelievable but true.
It was more than 15 years since I started learning kungfu before I had internal force. Even if I count the day I started to learn internal force, it was after 3 years of training before I could develop internal force. Before that I only practice kungfu at a physical level, like what most people do.
Now our Shaolin Wahnam students, irrespective of whether they learn chi kung, Shaolin Kungfu or Wahnam Taijiquan, learn internal force very fast. They don't have to wait for 15 years. Those who attended my intensive course can develop internal force on the first day. Those who attend regular classes can develop internal force in one month. They don't have to wait for 3 years.
Our instructors in regular classes can enable their students to have internal force in one day, but since the students learn on a long term basis, the instructors take one month so that the students can let the skills of internal force training sink into them. This is for the students' benefit.
When I first learned Triple Stretch I practiced it at the physical level. I did not understand internal force then, though I had heard about it. It was about 18 years later when I learned One-Finger Shooting Zen from Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, that I experienced internal force. It then took me about 3 years to transfer what I learned in One-Finger Shooting Zen to develop internal force in Triple Stretch.
There are a few reasons why you and all the course participants in this Triple Stretch Course can develop so much internal force in just a few days:
- I have tremendously improved my teaching methodology
- We differentiate between techniques and skills
- I understand the principles of force training
- We are able to generate an energy flow
Most masters teach their students the same way they learned from their own teachers. Over the years I have tremendously improved my teaching methodology which I employ to benefit our students.
One main reason for my improvement in teaching methodology is that while most other masters have only one or two classes a year, I have a turn-over of more than 100 classes a year, giving me a lot of opportunities for improvement. For example, my earlier teaching of the Flower Set and the Iron Wire enabled me to improve my teaching of the Triple Stretch.
Unlike us, most other people do not differentiate between techniques and skills. They erroneously think that if they know the techniques of the Triple Stretch, and practice diligently they can develop internal force. They do not realize that appropriate skills are required.
Out of a hundred practitioners, a few may develop the skills without their knowing it after many months of practice. Because they are unaware of the skills, they do not apply these skills consciously. These skills may arise unconsciously, and it is then that they develop some internal force. On most of other days, they only practice the techniques at a physical level.
Suppose an unaware practitioner unconsciously use the skills once in ten days, and develop 10 units of internal force. Hence he can develop 30 units of internal force in one month. But the force is not developed continuously. In other words he does not have the advantage of accumulated effect, which is very important in internal force training. Suppose that half the developed force is lost in the interval, so he has only 15 units of internal force a month.
Hence in one year, he has developed 225 units of internal force. In ten years he will have developed 2250 units of internal force.
In our case, because we know the appropriate skills and apply them, our students can develop internal force on the very first day. Because of other favourable factors, our force developed is more than the force developed by other people. Suppose our students' force is twice as much, which is actually a conservative estimate. So they can develop 20 units of force a day.
Chi flow can increase the amount of force. Suppose the increase is 10 units, which is a fair estimate. Hence, our students can develop 30 units of force a day. As our force development is consistent our students have the benefit of accumulated effect. They can have 900 units of force a month. Thus, our students have more force in one month (900 units) than other people, including me in my early years, in three years (675 units).
This description applies to our beginning students. But you already have internal force from other methods of force training, like One-Finger Shooting Zen and Golden Bridge, before you started Triple Stretch.
Suppose you already have 1800 units of force, which is the equivalent of about two years of training in our school, where every movement is a training of energy and mind. When you started Triple Stretch on the first day, because of your chi flow, you can make use of this 1800 units of force as your base.
So your development of internal force from Triple Stretch is not 30 units a day. Suppose because of your strong base, your development of force is double that of a beginner, which is a reasonable estimate. So your force development per day from Triple Stretch is 60. After three days your force developed is 180 units. Added to the 1800 units you already have, your total force is 1980 units. In my early days of practicing Triple Stretch, I could have only 675 units in three years. To have a similar amount of force you have developed in three days, I would need about ten years!
Yet, that was not too bad for me. At least I had some internal force then, though it was nothing compared to what our students now have. More than 90% of other people only practice Triple Stretch at a physical level. Thus, irrespective of how long they may have practiced, they will not have any internal force.
The estimated figures above may not be exact, but they give a good picture why you and all course participants can develop so much internal force in a few days when I myself took years
The above is taken from Question 1 October 2012 Part 3 of the Selection of Questions and Answers.
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