By practicing genuine chi kung, practitioners may develop abilities like telepathy and other extra-sensory perceptions
I have read your question and answer series on your website where you say it is possible if you practice chi kung and/or meditation enough that an individual can develop telepathy and other abilities. Also I read your response where you say it is morally wrong to read another people's thoughts if they do not want or ask you to.
— Ian, Taiwan
In our sparring practice, some of our students sometimes know beforehand what attacks their sparring partners would use. This is because their mind is so calm and clear that they can pick up the mental impulses of their sparring partners. When they enter a room full of people, without looking at the people, they can tell who are friendly and who are hostile. It is not that my students attempt to read their thoughts. They just pick up the mental vibrations of these people.
In the past, kungfu masters could catch arrows shot at them. This was physically impossible. By the time they saw the arrows with their eyes, it would be too late to move their hands to catch them. Then, how did they accomplish the feat. They sensed the arrows with their mind, and they moved in energy flow, which was almost at the speed of thought.
We in Shaolin Wahnam are not at the level of the past masters who could catch arrows. But many of us could sense attacks without looking at them. If you view the videos of our Special Wing Choon Course
The above is taken from Question 4 of October 2011 Part 3 of the Selection of Questions and Answers.
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