JULY 2024 PART 2

Bodhisattva Kistigarbha. Picture taken from
Question 1
I would like to take the opportunity to ask you another question if that is possible.
— Paz, Spain
You can ask me any questions.
Question 2
If a person believes that he is doing good, but in truth he is doing evil, what would be the karmic retribution?
— Robert, USA
If a person is doing good, he may be born as a god. The best is to be born as a human.
As a god or a goddess, he just enjoys himself or she enjoys herself. To be born as a human, there is joy as well as suffering. So, he may cultivate to be Enlightened, or to be a Buddha or merge with Cosmic Reality.
Queen Isabel of Spain thought she was doing good to her people, but actually she caused much suffering.
There are people who cause harm intentionally. They suffer as a result. They might be reborn in the lower realms, like as an insect or in hell.
Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha goes to hell to save beings in hell. He is great.

"Dim mark"
Question 3
I recently read that Amitabha Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva take on different celestial forms for different purposes.
One emanation I learned of recently is called Hayagriva with the purpose of strong protection.
Amitabha Buddha is different from our Buddha. He lives in the Pure Land and has vowed that anyone who recites his name with a one-pointed mind can be borned there.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is Guan Yin Bodh Satt in Romanized Chinese. She is our Bodhisattva, and she comes often to bless us.
One may wonder why Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is male, whereas Guan Yin Bodh Satt is female. In the Great Void or Cosmic Reality there is no male and female. Moreover, Guan Yin Bodh Satt can hear cries of the phenomenal world to bestow her compassion.
I know nothing about "Hayagriva".
Question 4
I meditate or at least have begun doing that more frequently. Would that also help?
According to my third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam of the southern Shaolin Monastery at Quanzhou, those who practiced chi kung must also practice meditation.
"Those who want to soar the height of chi kung must do meditaion", my sifu said to. me

Question 5
Your books, The Complete Book of Shaolin and The Art of Chi Kung, have helped me with arthritis in my hands, sinusitis and has lowered my blood pressure.
I think you just sit cross-legged or in a lotus position, and practice gentle, physical exercise, as you "have not entered into a chi kung state of mind" while myriad thoughts enter your consciousness.
"To enter into a chi kung state of mind" was a new term coined by the greatest of chi kung teachers, Sifu Yan Xin of China. He was the first person to use the term, which means to be relaxed and focused at the same time.
Just to be in a cross-legged or in a lotus position while myriad thoughts entering your consciousness is common. That is why I ask people "to enter into a chi kung state of mind" and to have an "energy flow".
If you merely practice gentle, physical exercise. You haven't "entered into a chi kung state of mind" and enjoy an "energy flow".
You should attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course, and then register for my Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course. The courses are held together. Because of my experience, I can transfer the skills of "entering into a chi kung state of mind" and generating an "energy flow" within an hour. If you don't have the skills, you don't have to pay for the courses.
I don't know when I can offer the courses. You can check my website.
Question 6
I haven't met Sifu for a long time. The last time I met Sifu was the Chi Kung Healing Course in Lumpur Lumpur in 2019.
— Sifu Santiago Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Alicante, Spain
The Chi Kung Healing Course in Lumpur Lumpur in 2019 was one of my best. You should not only practice chi kung, but also be able to heal others.

"Flowing Water Staff"
Question 7
If a practitioner has a fever, is it OK to practice Chi Kung or is it better to skip the practice until the fever is gone?
A practitioner can practice chi kung.
It is better for him to see a chi kung teacher who knows chi kung healing.
If he practices "chi kung healing", he will be performing gentle, physical exercise.
Question 8
I said that around 80% of Chi Kung practitioners over the world only practiced the external form of Chi Kung as gentle, physical exercise.
May I respectfully ask you how did you find out about this number?
The number 80% is my estimation. I believe that most people perform gentle, physical exercise, and they don't know about it.
It is because gentle, physical exercise looks like chi kung. Those who perform high-level chi kung are about 70% to 90%.
Many years ago, when my knowledge of chi kung was much less than now, a woman argued with me. She said she could not tell the difference between gentle, physical exercise and chi kung. Gentle, physical exercise is physical, whether as chi kung is energy and mental.
Selected Reading
- The Unbelievalbe Intensive Chi Kung Course
- Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Teechnniques
- The Meaning and Purpose of Shaolin Kungfu
- A Comparison of Tajiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) and Shaolin Kungfu
- An Amazing Intensive Taijiquan Course