Awakening of Faith in Mahayana in Chinese
Question 1
I have been reading Sifu's In Quest of Cosmic Reality and enjoying the wisdom found therein.
— Sifu Lee Wei Joo, Shaolin Wahnam Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"In Quest of Cosmic Reality" is a very important book. It was my best effort before I wrote "The Way of the Master".
"In Quest of Cosmic Reality" was a commentary and explanation of "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana", written by the great master Asvaghosha in the first century. Asvaghosha was regarded as a Bodhisattva.
"Awakening of Faith in Mahayana" is sometimes summed up as "one heart, two gates, three bigs, four faiths, five movements". Briefly, it means that Cosmic Reality is divided into the Transcendental and the Phenomenal. Cosmic Reality is limitless in form, characteristics and uses, and operates eternally in the past, present and future. To realize Cosmic Reality we must know the truth, the teacher, the teaching and the discipline. We need to practice charity, discipline, tolerance, perseverance and mind training.
"Way of the Master" is my autobiography, and is divided into the following sections: the Formative Years; Building the Foundation; Spreading Health and Happiness. Many secrets are found in the book.
Question 2
I must apologise for not being able to write to you as frequent as I wish to.
— Sifu Dr Foong Tuck Meng, Holistic Health Cultivation Centre, Malaysia
I am glad that your company is doing well.
"Heart Sutra" and "Way of the Master" are very important. They record some of my best efforts.
"Heart Sutra" is about the Enlightenment of the great Bodhisattva of Compassion, or Guan Yin Bohd Satt in Chinese. A great master mentions that those who do not understand Mahayana Buddhism fail to understand what Enlightenment is.
Some of my happiest moments were spent writing "Way of the Master". Many secrets are found in the book.
It is alright if you cannot come during the Chinese New Year. We shall definitely meet in Sungai Petani or Kuala Lumpur in future.

Way of the Master
Question 3
Paz and I wish you the happiest birthday today and every day.
— Sifu Angel De Castro Encinas, Spain
Thank you for your birthday wishes. How do you know that today is birthday? I keep my birthday quite a secret.
I am happy that you and Paz will have a house to call your own. I remember that when we moved to our present house more than 40 years ago, my family and I laid on the floor at night to sleep, I recalled we had a house to call our home. It was just wonderful.
You must always be kind to your father.
Question 4
Happy Birthday Sifu. As everyday is Sifu's birthday, it is great to know that Sifu had a doubly good birthday yesterday in Malaysia.
If Sifu is inclined, can I please ask what are Sifu's top ten favourite kungfu classics for content, style and poetic description.
— John, Ireland
Thank you for your birthday wishes. I did have a wonderful day yesterday, and every day is my birthday. Remember that Ireland is a few hours behind Malaysia time.
Here are my ten favourite sets.
1. 36-Pattern Tiger-Crane Set.
2. Four Gates.
3. Wing Choon Six-and-a-half Staff.
4. Dragon Strength.
5. Flowing Water Staff.
6. Xingyiquan combat.
7. Taiji Traveling Dragon Spear.
8. One-Finger Shooting Zen.
9. Cloud Hands.
10. Cosmos Palm.

The famous tiger-tail kick, found in the 36-Pattern Tiger-Crane Set but not found in the 72-Pattern Tiger-Crane Set or the 108-Pattern Tiger-Crane Set
Question 5
It seems that most people are still not aware of the differences between genuine qigong and gentle exercise.
— James. England
Other people claim that they practice "chi kung" and "kungfu" but we know they have no internal force and cannot use their kungfu for combat. It is for this reason of reverting chi kung and kungfu to their proper functions that I travelled the world.
Briefly, if they practice chi kung, they should know what working on energy is; and if they practice kungfu, they should know kungfu techniques for combat. But they only practice chi kung and kungfu external forms.
They don't know the difference. They think wrongly that if they practice the techniques long enough they would have good health and be able to defend themselves. They only practice gentle, physical exercise.
Chi kung and kungfu are very rare, and they were very rare in the past. Chi kung is excellent for good health, and kungfu for self-defence. We in Shaolin Wahnam practice chi kung and kungfu, and we use chi kung and kungfu to enrich our lives and the lives of others.
Question 6
Hello from the Southern United States! I am always more grateful for the Shaolin Arts and for Sigung's generous teachings. I can't imagine living without such wondrous arts.
— Andrew, USA
I fondly think of the time when we were on the East Coast of the United States.
It is great that you were doing sitting meditation. It is very advanced, so do so carefully. I am glad that you went straight to silence and experienced deeper peace and love.
Bodhisattvas are very, very high spiritual beings, far higher than angels and archangels. Because of their love for humanity. they postpone their Enlightenment. The Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, or Guan Yin Bodh Satt in Chinese, was once a Buddha.
A great Bodhisattva is Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha, or Earth Store Bodhisattva, who voluntarily goes to hell to save lost souls there.

Entering into a chi kung state of mind is very important, or else one may perform gentle, physical exercise which does not contribute to good health
Question 7
The number of Convid-19 infections here in Germany is skyrocketing. At the same time, my family and I feel very safe because we know we are protected by our chi flow. Of course, we also take precautions.
Meanwhile, I learn to appreciate your advice to train at a "lower" level even more than before. At the moment, I use approximately 25 % of my potential to avoid overtraining.
— Steffen Wankmuller, Germany
Health is our greatest wealth. You and your family are well protected, and you and your family will have vitality, longevity, peak performance as well as spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one.
The present situation is a nuisance but it will be over soon. Bye the way, the Copthorne Hotel where we had our courses is now not functioning. It is indeed a pity
We train at a "low" level. What is "low" to us is actually "high" to other people not in our school. Not many people can have a chi flow, and since they don't have a chi flow, they don't have good health. Hence they do not contribute to their health, which is the main purpose of chi kung.
We not only regulate our chi flow, we have vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys. People who practice chi kung may have good health, but they may not have vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys.
I have tried to impress upon other people of entering into a chi kung state of mind. Entering into a chi kung state of mind is necessary to practice any internal art. It is the difference between any internal art and gentle, physical exercise which does not contribute to good health. Most people practice gentle, physical exercise, and they do not realize it.
I did not realize gentle, physical exercise and internal art during my student days. Like most people, I thought I was very lucky to practice Shaolin Kungfu from Uncle Righteousness, my first sifu.
I returned to teach students of Uncle Righteousness, who by then had returned to heaven, the kungfu I learned from my third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third generation successor from the Shaolin Monastery at Quanzhou.
It was much later when I started teaching that I realized the importance of entering into a chi kung state of mind. If one does not enter into a chi kung state of mind, he does gentle, physical exercise. If he enters into a chi kung state of mind, he does internal art. Most people do not know this.
Question 8
Although I love Dragon Strength very much, I still find it too powerful to train every day, especially because I also enjoy the Small Universe tremendously.
My training of combat sequences is progressing nicely and I marvel at all the different aspects of our training.
"Dragon Strength" and "Small Universe" are very good exercises.
We can generate internal force using "Dragon Strength", and have wonderful health using "Small Universe". If you find that the internal force generated by you using "Dragon Strength" is too powerrful, you can go into a chi kung state of mind even less deeply. Other people cannot generate a chi flow, which is a condition for good health.
Our combat sequences are excellent. I recall that in my early years of teaching, many people recommended that we offered our combat sequences as "Advanced Courses" but I told them they were actually our basic.
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.
Selected Reading
- Introduction to Cosmic Reality
- Tell us One or Two Secrets
- You Must be Relaxed and Focused when Practcing Chi Kung
- The Side-Way Tiger-Tail Kick
- Lightning Speed, Dragon Force and Dim Mak