

Question 1

Why don't you come and stay at my house?

— Bala, India


Thanks for your invitation to stay in India, but I cannot accept it.

I was in India many years ago. A disciple was so kind to travel to India and stayed there. We travelled to many places, including Chennai, Mumbai, Mysore, Bangalore, and the interior.

I believed only drivers in India could drive in the streets in India. I remember that we were driving behind a truck and were about to overtake it. There was a motorcycle coming on the other side. Normally we would wait for the motorcycle to pass before over-taking. But no, the driver just overtook and the motorcycle had to serve on a grass patch nearby, and nobody said anything. It was just normal.

Chun Nga, my eldest son, saved a life in India. We were in the interior, and the road was narrow. At a critical moment, he pulled a boy who was about to be crashed by a lorry. The boy looked at Chun Nga as if nothing had happened. That was India.

Question 2

If you wish to speed up the development of One Finger Zen, which would be most beneficial? Cosmos Palm, Marvellous Fist, Golden Bell or Nei Gung such as Sinew Metamorphosis or Small Universe?

— Sifu Roeland Dijkema, Shaolin Wahnam Netherlands


One-Finger Shooting Zen is a treasure of Shaolin Wahnam. There must be some special reasons why it is regarded as a treasure.

Historically, it was how I developed internal force. Considering that many people do not have any internal force, that I took many years to develop it, and that it contributes to our daily living, internal force is certainly something we wish to have.

Internal force gives us vitality and longevity besides good health, and it has made me free from illness and pain, of which I am very proud of. I am now over 70, but I can run and jump and roll on hard ground.

Internal force enhances all the arts you have mentioned, which are Cosmos Palm, Marvellous Fist, Golden Bell, Sinew Metamorphosis and Small Universe. It makes every day our birthday.

I don't know if Comsos Palm, Marvellous Fist, Golden Palm or Nei Gung such as Sinew Metaporphosis and Small Universe would speed up the development of One-Finger Shooting Zen. If I were to choose one, I would choose Cosmos Palm, because I specialize in Cosmos Palm, and therefor know it well.

 One-Finger Shooting Zen

One-Finger Shooting Zen

Question 3

I am practising the Shaolin Eight Eye exercises. In counting leaves, do you increase the distance from the leaves? Would you recommend practising every day to keep glasses away.


The Shaolin Eye Exercises are marvellous. When my children were small (now they are all grown up with their own children), specialists went to their schools and recommended glasses. But I counted on the Shaolin Eye Exercises and told them to practice. None of my children wear glasses.

I work on my computer the whole day and I don't have to wear glasses. My eyesight, I believe, is better than many young people.

You should practice the Shaolin Eye Exercise every day. But with your full programme, you may not have time to do so. You have to adjust yourself.

I practice every day. But I only practice at about 30% of my potential, and only for about 10 minutes. Right now I practice the Small and the Big Universe.

You should increase the distance from the leaves when you practice the Shaolin Eye Exercises. If you practice every day, you may have to throw away your glasses.

Question 4

I am planning to move to a bigger city so there are more willing customers. There are no instructors in Valencia. Valencia is quite close to Alicante so I think it is a good idea to move there.

— Sifu Santi, Shaolin Wahnam Valencia


The world is very large, and there is no need to compete with any instructor. Valencia is a good place to start.

I also started from Spain. In fact Spain is the country I go to teach the most. In my world travels, I went to Spain three times a year. Other countries I went once in every two years.

You are in a very special position; you are going to give health and happiness to other people. You are going to teach genuine, high level chi kung. But you should not over-teach. Most instructors in their eagerness to impart knowledge tend to teach more than necessary.

Actually, chi kung is very rare; most people when they say they practice chi kung, they only perform gentle, physical exercise, and gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity. Gentle, physical exercise does not help a person to recover from his or her illness.

Lifting the Sky

Lifting the Sky

Question 5

What skills should I teach during the first month?
How many Lohan hands should I teach during the first 3 months? Should I teach them in order or start with "Lifting the Sky", "Pushing Mountains" and Carrying the Moon?
How should I progress with the class after the first month?
How long should a class last? Perhaps 1 hour?


For convenience, a chi kung exercise may be divided into three dimensions, namely the physical, the energy and the mind, or the spirit, the soul or the consciousness.

The physical is the form or the external part. It is the visible part, the part that we can see.

The energy is the breathing. Some chi kung exercises are performed without any awareness of the breathing, but the breathing is there, usually it is spontaneous or natural.

The most important dimension is mind. You can easily enter into a chi kung state of mind, but most people can't. You don't have to tell your students about "mind" so as not to confuse them

You may, if you like, divide the 18 Lohan Hands into two parts, and your students have to complete the first part before they can progress to the second part. The first part can compose of 10 exercises, from Lifting the Sky to Dancing Crane of, and the second part can compose of all the 18 exercises.

The time is three months. If you take a class of an hour each, two sessions a week, you should not divide the Lohan Hands equally. The first part of your class is to get your students to enter into a chi kung state of mind, without mentioning the word "mind", so that they can perform genuine, high level chi kung

To be relaxed and focused is a great achievement. Most people cannot relax and be focused. You also teach your students how to generate an energy flow. It is the energy flow, and not the exercise, that gives good health, vitality and longevity. In high level chi kung, the chi kung exercise also gives peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one.

Lifting the Sky is a good exercise to start. It will get your students relaxed and to be focused, and to generate an energy flow. At first your students may just sway. Do not allow the students to be too vigorous.

Usually the instructor does not follow the routine of the 18 Lohan Hands; he follows what he teaches. He may make modifications. If you follow my advice, you would have done well, and become a great teacher. Teach your students how to be relaxed and be focused, and generate an energy flow. When there is chi, there is life.

It is important that you charge high prices. If students complain, you can ask them to leave. You are a rare person that can give happiness and health. You are a rare person that teaches genuine, high level chi kung. Charging high prices is actually for the students' benefits, but most people do not realize it.

Question 6

Honestly, if given a choice I will not inject vaccine but it seems like a national movement. Without vaccine many things may not be allowed.

My experience in vaccination was expectable. The whole body was weak and tired. I did "Cosmic Shower" and it effectively flushed away the rubbish. Within hours I was back to normal.

— Sifu Dr Foong Tuck Meng, Holistic Health Cultivation Centre, Malaysia


Your over-reaction against the vaccination, I believe, was due to your over-training. But everything will be fine.

"Cosmic Shower" is a wonderful art; it will cleanse as well as nourish physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

When the world lockdown is over, you should concentrate on teaching the super-rich, but teach only "low" level chi kung. Please remember that what is "low" to us is very "high" to other people not in our school.

I may be presumptuous, but what others practice is just gentle, physical exercise which does not add to good health, vitality and longevity. We practice very high level chi kung. It will be great to know that the Holistic Health Cultivation Centre will become a world centre where so called "incurable" diseases are overcome.

Cosmic Shower

Cosmic Shower

Question 7

I was searching for some interesting videos about kungfu. I came across one master by the name of Yap Boh Heong. He was a student of Master Chee Kim Tong and learnt Wumei art from his father. Do you know this gentlemen from Malaysia?


I haven't met Sifu Yap Boh Heong, who runs the Chee Kim Thong Health Centre. If he learned from Sifu Chee Kim Thong, who was famous for internal force and known as "the living treasure of the People's Republic of China", he is at the same level as me.

If he learned from his father, Sifu Yap Cheng Hai, who was the first disciple of Sifu Chee Kim Thong and the Chief Coach of the Malaysian Federation of Wushu, he is at the same level as you.

Question 8

From the video he demonstrated his internal force by just a gentle touch and the opponent was pushed away. He didn't seem to emphasis on stances during his demo. Is it true that very powerful master do not require proper stances? But one thing puzzles me is that why he is so powerful but yet he doesn't look to glow or with a high energy field?


Sifu Yap Boh Heong's internal force is real. If he doesn't look glowing or with a high energy field, probably he spends his internal force for combat.

Most masters do not spend as much time as we do in internal force. Many masters have a lot of internal force but they do not reaize it.

I recall reading an old magazine concerning an old master with tremedous internal force. His stance was high. When a reader commented on his stance, the official reply was wait till a person had become the old master.

Most people do not realize the subtle difference between skills and techniques. Once you can enter into a chi kung state of mind, or a higher level of consciousness, you don't have to spend time entering into a chi kung state of mind.

You just start your chi kung or kungfu practice, just as you don't have to take your driving test again. But you do not practice at your potential. You practice at 30% or less of your potential, and each person's potential varies.

Students and instructors in Shaolin Wahnam are very lucky. Those who attended my intensive or regional courses can enter into a chi kung state of mind within an hour. Most masters, including genuine masters, can't.

If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.



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