The important thing in chi kung is not which technique to practice but how to practice it
Question 1
I started practicing Chi Kung 3 years ago to treat my chronic disease -- ulcerative colitis.
I met a man who attended one of the chi kung courses led by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit. As he experienced huge health benefits from his chi kung practice, he shared with me some knowledge he was allowed to share with persons who had not attended the chi kung course.
My first question to the Grandmaster is whether there is any exercise recommended specifically for healing my disease that I could practice at home now. Another question is how can I improve my daily practice.
— Joanna, Poland
The important thing in chi kung practice is skills, not techniques. In other words, to overcome your health problems, it is not what chi kung techniques you should perform, but how skillful you are when performing the techniques.
Skills have to be learned from a living teacher, not over an email or from books or videos. It is like driving or swimming. Books and videos may show you the techniques of driving or swimming, but you need to learn the skills of driving or swimming before you can drive or swim.
I would recommend that you attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course. People from all over the world attended this course. If you practice with the skills you will learn at the course, you have a very good change to overcome your health problems. You can apply to my secretary. You can also get a lot of information from my website.
Question 2
Can a person with bad morals attain the highest level in kungfu training?
— Jani, Finland
No, he cannot.
A person with bad morals may attain a high level, which ordinary martial artists may regard as very high. This is especially so today because the level of martial art nowadays is low.
The two aims of training any martial art are combat efficiency and good health. When top martial artists, including masters, cannot defend themselves, which is evident from taking punches and kicks in free sparring as usual, and they become more unhealthy the more they train, it cannot be said that the level of martial art today is high.
To attain the highest level in any martial art, especially in kungfu, a martial artist must have high morals. In the first place, high-level teachers are unlikely to teach immoral martial artists. Even if some immoral martial artists learn a martial art at the highest level, they don't have the right mind set to accomplish it. It may be difficult for the uninitiated to comprehend, but training high level kungfu with bad morals can be detrimental.
Hence, in our school any student who wants to learn from us must practice the Ten Shaolin Laws, which is a practical way to attain high moral values. It is also a main reason why I have often said that respecting a master and honoring the moral code, which is often the first rule of many kungfu schools, is for the benefit of the students.

Practitioners must havve high morals to reach the highest level of kungfu
Question 3
I have a question about the "Gung Ji Fook Fu Kuen" found in Hung Gar or Southern Shaolin Kung Fu.
I have read a few sources saying that if one were to practice this form, and only this form, for the rest of his life, it would be sufficient for good health, chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency.
Is this true? And if so, what are the particular parts of the form which relate to the above mentioned benefits?
— Mohamed, United Kingdom
The statement is true. Of course, the form or set must be practiced correctly. All those who attended the Legacy of Wong Fei Hoong course at the UK Summer Camp 2014 where this set was taught, can attest to this statement.
Nowadays, unfortunately, this famous kungfu set, "Gong Ji Fook Fu Kuen" or "Taning-Tiger Set", is not practiced correctly. Understandingly, many people may think we are boastful, though honestly we are not. As I have often said, it is their problem, not ours. I am only saying the truth.
Why do I say that many people today are not practicing this set correctly? The answer is straight-forward, although those who practice the set wrongly may not admit it. They have not got the benefits that this set is supposed to give.
In other words, those who practice the set wrongly do not derive good health, chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency from their practice of the set. If they have these benefits, as some of them do, it is due to other reasons, and not due to practicing this set.
But how do we ascertain that this statement, i.e. practicing this set correctly will give practitioners good health, chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency, is true? Again, it is straight-forward. All those who attended the course mentioned earlier, derived these benefits. It was not just one or two course participants, which would be a co-incidence, but all of them.
It might not be easy to prove that practicing this set would give the participants good health, because all of them were healthy before they attended the course. This is in line with our kungfu philosophy, which is before one talks about combat efficiency in kungfu, he must first of all be healthy.
But we are proud to say that none of the participants injured themselves or became unhealthy as a result of practicing the set, which sadly is not uncommon amongst other practitioners. Many other practitioners injure themselves in sparring with the set, although they do not use the techniques of the set for sparring. Even if they do not spar, they tense their muscles in their set practice, which cause them to be unhealthy.
But deriving the benefits of chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency from the set can be readily confirmed. You can also see these benefits from the videos of the course here.
After performing the set, or part of the set, practitioners went into chi flow. For those who understand chi kung philosophy, this is evidence that practicing the set can give good health, because chi flow gives good health.
The first part of the set, known as "ta chong" or "force training on stance", is specially for developing internal force. This is evident in the performance by Tim (Sifu Tim Franklin) at the start of the video here. In our school, because we perform the set as an internal art, the whole set can be used for developing internal force.
Evidence for combat efficiency is plentiful. Course participants worked out combat applications of all the techniques of the Taming-Tiger set on their own before demonstrating them to the class. You can see videos of the combat applications here, here, and here. You can see the combination set of Taming-Tiger here.
To say that the Taming-Tiger Set alone can provide all the good health, chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency practitioners need for life, does not mean that other kungfu sets do not provide these benefits, or the benefits from the Taming-Tiger Set are better than those of other sets.
If a practitioner wants good health as well as vitality and longevity from practicing the set, he can practice the whole set, or he may practice any part of the set many times.
If he wants to practice the set as chi kung, he can practice the whole set or any part of it, followed with chi flow. The chi flow will give him good health, virility and longevity.
He can practice the whole set to develop internal force, but the "ta chong" or "developing internal force on stance" at the beginning will be particularly suitable.
The remaining parts of the set, which consists of various combat sequences, are excellent for combat efficiency. By modifying certain patterns, a skillful practitioner can use just one sequence to meet any combat situations!
"Gung Ji Fook Fu Kuen" or "Taming-Tiger Set" is a great set that provides benefits of good health, chi kung, internal force and combat efficiency.
Question 4
I did things in the past that I consider to be bad. I am not sure if I believe in karma, but if it is real can continuing chi kung practice eventually restore my good karma?
— Jussi, Finland
Karma is real. It is a universal law. Goodness will bring goodness and badness will bring badness.
Practicing chi kung is doing good. It will bring goodness like enjoying good health and being peaceful.
There are different types of goodness, and different types of badness. Enjoying good health and feeling peaceful are good. Having friends who care for you and being respected are good. They are different types of goodness.
On the other hand, being sick and agitated are bad. Having enemies who hate you and being scorned at are bad. They are different types of badness.
Often one type of goodness can result in another type of goodness. When you are healthy and peaceful, it is more likely that you will be welcomed by friends and be respected. However, sometimes this may not happen. If your enemies hate you and scone at you, it is unlikely they will welcome you and respect you even when you are healthy and peaceful.
In this case you have to do the right kind of goodness to overcome the badness you did. An effective way is to apologize to them when they are in a happy mood, and be nice and helpful to them. If you can turn your enemies to friends and their scorn to respect, you will change badness to goodness.

A pattern from the Shaolin Taming-Tiger Set
Question 5
I think about my sins every day many times and I'm not sure what to do about it.
Thinking about you sins is the first step to repent. The next step is to promise yourself you will not repeat your sins.
The third step, which is very important and practical, is to do things that are good. Sincerely apologizing to those whom you did wrong, and be helpful to them are excellent. If this is not feasible, be good and kind to other people.
By being good and kind to other people, you generate good karma. Your good karma can minimize your bad karma.
Karma is fluid; it is not rigid. You cannot undo what you did wrong, but you can change bad karma to good karma.
If a butcher can drop his killing knives and be determined to attain Enlightenment, which is a popular saying in Buddhism, it is easier to refrain from doing bad things and do good things.
Question 6
I am also not certain what I wish to do with my life other than just enjoy it as much as possible. Attaining a clear mind and eventually reaching Enlightenment sound like something I long for, but I guess at this point studying or working are what I should aim for.
We should enjoy our life wholesomely, but not licentiously. In enjoying our life wholesomely, we must not cause any harm to others.
Attaining a clear mind is important. It is also important for you at this point of your life to study and to work.
You can do all these good things, which will result in good karma, simultaneously, not separately. You can attain a clear mind, and study and work, or you can attain a clear mind and study, then work.
Longing for Enlightenment is a good thing, but this can wait. What you should do now is to attain a clear mind and simultaneously study and work, or study then work.

Practicing chi kung will bring good health and happiness. It is people's choice whether to believe it.
Question 7
The problems here are my depression and my laziness. I have been doing not very much for many years and even getting up from bed at a decent hour seems very hard.
The choice is yours. You can choose to remain depressed and lazy, or you can choose to be happy and energetic. It is not important for how long you have been depressed and lazy, but it is important for you to be determined to make a change. When you are happy and energetic, getting up from bed at a decent hour becomes natural.
Learning chi kung from us is an excellent way, but not the only way, to overcome your problem. Many people who were at a worse situation than yours have done it and succeeded. For example, you don't suffer from a so-called incurable disease, but many people who were dying from a so-called incurable disease, learned chi kung from us and now live a happy and energetic life.
Question 8
I have not been a good student in many ways, skipping practice for periods of time among other things. I just wish that regular practice can cure my problems. In fact you have said many times that it will, but I find it hard to believe since it seems too good to be true.
Whether you want to be a good student and not skipping your practice is your problem, not mine. Similarly, if you choose to be depressed and lazy, that is your problem.
We in Shaolin Wahnam can help you. But you yourself have to make a choice whether you want our help. And you yourself have to make a choice whether you want to practice what we teach so that you will be happy and energetic besides enjoying other benefits.
What we say is true. Not to tell lies is a virtue we cherish highly in our school. You have a choice to believe or not believe us. If you don't believe us, it is your right. But we don't want to waste our time on people who stubbornly remain skeptical despite overwhelming evidence.
We have helped literally thousands of people who were far worse than you. Amongst those we have helped are people who suffered from diseases their doctors had told them that they could not be cured, and who thought of committing suicide. Some of them at first found what we said too good to be true. Now they live and work happily and energetically.
I am now in Finland. If you are eager to overcome your problems, you should have attended my courses.
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.
Selected Reading
- Chi Kung: the Art of Developing Vital Energy
- To Say that my Life has Changed would Obviously be an Understatement
- Why Should I Cast Pearls Before Swines
- Little Lohan Fist
- Guinness Attractions