July to December 2016
July | August | September | October | November | December |
July 2016
July 2016 (Part 1)

The answers reveal secrets that many practitioners may not know. They help practitioners avoid common mistakes, make their practice more cost-effective as well as explain how they can apply the arts to enrich their daily life.
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July 2016 (Part 2)

If a practitioner is skillful, he can use his mind to direct his chi flow to cleanse, build or nourish. Nevertheless, unless the practitioner has good reasons to do otherwise, employing the concept of "wu-wei", after having performed "you-wei", is safer and usually more effective.
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July 2016 (Part 3)

The teacher should answer honestly and to the point. His answer should also be at the level of understanding of his student.
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August 2016
August 2016 (Part 1)

I used to say "in my young days", but Douglas, my most senior student in Europe, reminded me at the time when I was about 50 that I was still young, so I have changed the expression to "my younger days". Even now when I am over 70 and still feel young, I use the expression "in my younger days".
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August 2016 (Part 2)

Suppose a healer just pats your wife on her back three times, and she is cured. It really doesn't matter what the healer knows or does not know. What matters is that your wife is cured.
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August 2016 (Part 3)

Kungfu classics mention that great kungfu besides contributing to combat efficiency also contributes to good health and spiritual cultivation. Hence, when I can use my kungfu efficiently for combat, have good health and am peaceful and happy, I can confirm that the kungfu I practice is great.
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September 2016
September 2016 (Part 1)

Entering Tao is the same as entering into a chi kung state of mind. As the internal arts of Wahnam Taijiquan are generally more powerful that the 18 Lohan Hands, which form the start of our chi kung syllabus, most of your students can generate a chi flow even when they practice Lohan Hand exercises for the first time.
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September 2016 (Part 2)

Whatever you have been doing that brings you benefit or pleasure, you can continue to do so when you learn chi kung from me. For example, you have been practicing Taiji from another school or drinking wine every time you eat your meals, and these activities bring you benefit or pleasure, you can continue to do so.
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September 2016 (Part 3)

Recovering from any illness if he practices our chi kung is a matter of course because the cause of all illness is energy blockage, and practicing our chi kung clears energy blockage.
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October 2016
October 2016 (Part 1)

It is actually not true that your wife is not working! Being a housewife and now a mother is a very demanding job. It is also a job loved by many women -- if their husbands earn enough so that they can enjoy the luxury of not working outside.
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October 2016 (Part 2)

Suppose marketing our courses is A, and other tasks like studying key points, creating videos, etc are B, C, D, E and F. You do A. If in the process of doing A, you also need to do B and C, then you do A,B and C. Don't waste your time and effort doing B, C, D, E, F and any other tasks first, then do A.
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October 2016 (Part 3)

The difference between a matter of course and a matter of fact can be illustrated by an analogy. If you drive along an expressway from Madrid to Barcelona, arriving at Barcelona is a matter of course. As a matter of fact you may not arrive if, for example, you stop on the way or drive to somewhere else.
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November 2016
November 2016 (Part 1)

It is difficult for many people to believe that getting just 30% of what they got when learning from a Shaolin Wahnam master is enough for their needs and aspirations, and that getting more will lead to over-training.
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November 2016 (Part 2)

The focus on teaching children is fun. In other words we make it fun for children to practice chi kung or kungfu. In teaching adults the focus is on attaining their aims and objectives, like maintaining good health or overcoming a particular illness in chi kung, knowing some self-defence or overcoming timidness in kungfu.
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November 2016 (Part 3)

I do not make a formal distinction between teaching and transmitting. Nevertheless, there may be a difference in mind-set, or in emphasis. When I teach, I also transmit. Similarly, when I transmit I also teach.
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December 2016
December 2016 (Part 1)

Many people cannot overcome their problems because they have never defined the problems, they only describe them.
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December 2016 (Part 2)

Spiritual cultivation is cultivating the spirit. Morality is practicing high moral values. Religious education is being knowledgeable in religions matters.
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December 2016 (Part 3)

We must remember that ours is basically a chi kung and kungfu school, not a school for mind training or spiritual cultivation, though our mind and spiritual attainments are remarkable. Hence, developing psychic powers is a bonus, not an aim.
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