Grandmaster Wong performing the Small Universe
Question 1
Sifu, you mention that attaining the Small Universe will enable a practitioner to be healthy and live beyond a hundred years. What about the Big Universe in this respect?
— Douglas, Spain
When you have attained the Small Universe, you will live beyond a hundred years.
When you have attained the Big Universe, you will never die.
These two expressions sum up the core benefits of the Small Universe and the Big Universe.
Usually a practitioner attains the Big Universe after he has attained the Small Universe. In fact if one continues to practice the Small Universe for some time, he will automatically attain the Big Universe. It is because the chi of his Small Universe continues to grow along the Ren and the Du Meridians until it fills the whole person and merges him with the Cosmos.
But to consider your question, let us presume that a practitioner attains the Big Universe without attaining the Small Universe. Will he then be never sick and be able to live beyond a hundred years?
He can merge with the Cosmos and become Enlightened, but he may not always be healthy, and he may not live beyond a hundred years. If he does have these wonderful benefits, it is due to other reasons and not due to his Big Universe
Question 2
Why doesn't the Big Universe achieve the benefits that the Small Universe does?
— Darren, Singapore
Although the Big Universe is more advanced than the Small Universe, it may not achieve the same benefits of the Small Universe. Attaining the Big Universe will enable him to realize that the real him is his spirit, and not his body, and that his spirit will never die.
But he may not always be healthy, and he may not live more than a hundred years. His physical body in the phenomenal world may not last more than a hundred years, but his spirit will live on, and he realizes it.
If he attains the Small Universe, his chi will continuously flow along the Ren and the Du Meridians with the result that any disease-causing agents will be cleared away before they can cause any illness. Hence, he will not be sick. As his body has a potential life span of more than a hundred years, he will then be able to live beyond a hundred years.
Besides illness, the other factor that may cause a person to die before his potential life span is accidents. The Small Universe will also gives him pristine mental clarity. With mental clarity he will be able to avoid accidents. Hence he erases the two factors that prevent any person to attain his potential life span of more than a hundred years.
Then why is it that attaining the Big Universe, even when it is a more advanced art than the Small Universe, does not give him these wonderful benefits. It is because that although the Small Universe and the Big Universe are closely related, they are different arts with different benefits.
As an analogy although an aeroplane and a car are vehicles for transport, they are different and have different benefits. Although an aeroplane is more advanced than a car, when you fly from one city to another, you cannot stop along a country town to have a drink, but you can do so if you travel in a car.

The fastest way is to learn from a competent teacher
Question 3
What is the fastest way to achieve internal force and enlightenment? And how to get both fast?
— Theo, Germany
Relatively the fastest way, though it may actually take a very long time but it is faster than other ways, is to learn from a genuine teacher who is willing to teach you, and practice according to his teaching.
This applies not just to internal force and Enlightenment but to anything.
If you want to drive a car, for example, the fastest way is to learn from a teacher who himself knows how to drive and is willing to teach you, and you then practice according to his teaching. If you want to practice genuine chi kung, the fastest way is to learn from a teacher who himself practices genuine chi kung and is willing to teach you, and then you practice according to his teaching.
Any other way will be slower, or does not give you the desired result.
For example, if you learn from a driving manual, you may, if you are lucky, eventually be able to drive, but it will take you a longer time than learning from a living instructor. If you learn from a teacher who practices gentle physical exercise though he may call it chi kung, you will never be able to practice genuine chi kung no matter for how long you learn.
But if you only talk but never practice, you will never attain internal force or Enlightenment, or even a simple skill like driving a car, no matter for how long or how much you talk about it.
Normally it takes a long time to develop internal force even when you have the good luck to learn from a genuine teacher who is willing to teach you. It takes months or years.
But as far as I know, students in Shaolin Wahnam take the fastest time. Those who attend my intensive courses can develop internal force in just one day!
Indeed we are ridiculously generous to offer this opportunity to the public. But whether people believe us and take advantage of the opportunity is their business.
It takes a very long time to attain Enlightenment -- countless lifetimes. Here I am talking about Enlightenment with a capital E, where there is no differentiation between the knower and the known.
The fastest way to Enlightenment is through Zen, where if an aspirant is ready, he may attain Enlightenment in an instance.
No one can attain internal force and Enlightenment at the same time. When one is Enlightened, there is no more differentiation. There is no more internal force or lack of internal force.
Your concept of enlightenment is very different.
Question 4
Some say if you can reduce the amount of thoughts you can get more and fast energy. No thoughts means much energy. Is this true?
Generally it is true that if you reduce the amount of thoughts you can get more energy, and you get the result faster than if you have a lot of thoughts.
But at higher levels, the right thought gives you more energy and faster. Here "thought" is not intellectualization.

Tremendous amount of internal force can be generated by performing this pattern, "Golden Dragon Taps on Ground", for just a few minutes!
Question 5
Is Void the same as enlightenment?
Yes, Enlightenment is Void. But please bear in mind the limitation of words.
It is also correct to say that Enlightenment is Everything.
To make the intellectualization more interesting, once we say that Enlightenment is Void, or Enlightenment is Everything, there is no longer Enlightenment.
Question 6
Some say through breathing exercise, like paying attention only on breathing "8 hours a day" (a quotation from a class on Peak Performer in Sports) much energy (explosive) can be produced.
Different people use different methods to produce energy.
We don't need 8 hours, we need only 15 minutes. Our advanced practitioners need only a minute.
In 15 minutes or even a minute, we can choose to produce a lot of energy or just a little energy. We can also choose to let our energy be explosive or be quiescent.

Life is joy
Question 7
What is the difference between internal and external chi? Can some absorb external chi?
Internal chi and external chi may have different meanings in different context.
Amongst many chi kung teachers, especially from China today, internal chi refers to chi inside a person's body, and external chi refers to chi outside his body.
Yes, everyone can absorb external chi. In fact everyone is doing that, consciously like when he breathes in and out, and unconsciously when energy in his body and from the Cosmos is constantly exchanging.
Question 8
How is it possible to send chi to different parts of the body? Is it possible to send chi only to one finger or arm?
In principle, it is like asking how is it possible to move your right hand. The answer for both questions is the same. If you have the skills, you just do it.
Those who do not have the skills would be unable to send chi to any part of their body, or to move their hand. Yes, you can send chi to just only one finger or arm or any specific part of the body. In the same way you can just move one finger or arm.
Question 9
How do you explain the quotation from a modern Shaolin monk who said "Pain is life" after he had made some demonstrations.
This is his personal opinion.
Our view is different. To us "Life is joy".
Selected Reading
- Gong-Ans: Beyond Thoughts, Words and Intellect
- My Life Changing Experiences
- History and Philosophy of Shaolin Iron Wire Set
- Taijiquan Defence against Fundamental Attacks
- We have reached a very rare and privileged stage in the development of our school