Wing Choon Kungfu

Sifu Mark Hartnett applies "Plough Hand" to neutralize Sifu Mark Blohm's "Butterfly Palms"

As a complete art, Wing Choon Kungfu also contains chin-na techniques. What would you do if both your wrist and elbow are gripped by a chin-na exponent? Two effective counters shown here are Sinking Elbow and Butterfly Palms. Grandmaster Wong also shows some finer points of Plough Hands and reviews the felling technique using Palm at Face and its counter using Cockerel Kick.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Chin-Na Technique Sinking Elbow Butterfly Palms
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Butterfly Palms Sophisticated Counter Sophisticated Counter
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Butterfly Palms Palm at Face Cockerel Kick

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