Wing Choon Kungfu

Course participants performing Circular Hands to generate energy flow

Having attained reasonable proficiency at the form level of Siu Lin Tou, course participants progress to the energy flow level. Firstly, Grandmaster Wong leads the participants to use Circular Hands and Covering Hands of Cham Kiew to generate an energy flow.

Next, he asks the participants to use their mind to direct their chi flow. When this is quite efficient, Grandmaster Wong teaches them how to use their energy flow to direct the forms of Siu Lin Tou without using muscular strength. He tells them that while they aim for picture-perfect forms, they need not worry if the forms are far from perfect.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Circular Hands Turning Waist Circular Hands
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Circular Hands Chi Flow
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Directing Chi Channeling Chi
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Channeling Chi Chi Directs Form Chi Directs Form

You can also view all the videos here



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