Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing

Grandmaster Wong demonstrated using Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing

Please click the topics to view the videos

  1. Various Hand Forms in Shaolin Kungfu
  2. Start with the Back Leg, Rotate the Waist, and End with the Fist
  3. Single Tiger Emerges from Cave
  4. Poisonous Snake Shoots Venom
  5. Golden Dragon Plays with Water
  6. Precious Duck and Hand-Sweep
  7. Hang a Golden Star and Immortal Emerges from Cave
  8. Reviewing the Four Attack and the Four Defence Patterns
  9. Judging whether Opponent is Too Far, Too Near of of Right Spacing
  10. Initiating and Responding with Black Tiger and Single Tiger
  11. Advantage of Having a Poise Pattern
  12. Cover your Opponent Adequately when you Attack
  13. Pressing In with Black Tiger and Fierce Tiger
  14. Combat Sequence with Double Kicks
  15. What would You Do if your Leg is Caught
  16. Don't Block a Chopping Attack; it may Break your Arm
  17. Various Ways of Striking a Kicking Leg
  18. Sparring with Two Abridged Combat Sequences
  19. The Use of Brush Hand or Cover Hand
  20. Abridged Sequence 1 -- Four Directions of Strikes
  21. Abridged Sequence 2 -- Double Kicks
  22. Abridged Sequence 3 -- Felling Attack

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